Saturday, November 11, 2006

Tool - Schism Video

I'm not sure why it wouldn't be redundant to re-post someone else's video post on my site, but I really love this band, and this is a good video of theirs

It's Tool's "Schism" video. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

It is a sweet video. But who would expect anything less from TOOL. They are after all, the band to end all bands!

docrivs said...

There are always high expectations of any Tool project or any project involving Maynard from their fans, but I think that they continue (other than APC's cover of "Imagine", which I don't care for, at all) to shatter expectations.

This is the first time I've seen the video for "Schism", and I had never seen the video for "Sober", until I found YouTube a few weeks ago. Yet, I first saw a live Tool show in the summer of '93, and I knew every word (well, what I THOUGHT were the words and what they actually were, may have been completely different : ).

Yes, Tool completely and totally rocks, and I dig APC's first two albums, and I think Maynard is still an amazing performer, lyricist, and vocalist. If he has ANYthing to do with the arrangements of the songs or mixing (etc), then I think he is amazing at that, too.

Have you seen the MySpace pages that some of the fans of Tool have created? I particularly like Dave's. If you haven't traveled to Dave's page, then you need to. You'll love it.

- docrivs (website myspace blog email)

