Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Land Where Anything Is Possible

Statue of Liberty, NYC
Originally uploaded by Daniel A. Norman.
Is this truly the land of opportunity?

Is the "American Dream" a dream worth pursuing? Is it actually attainable for more than just a few people?

This photo, by Daniel A. Norman (copyrighted, 2007), shows the clouds over NYC, the clouds over the Statue of Liberty, the symbol of all that is the American Dream. This is the place of possibility for many people around the world, but that idea is being challenged more and more lately.

With increasing anti-American sentiment, largely after Bush sent our troops over to Iraq to fight the so-called "War on Terror", I am really not sure that there is a more important topic to think about and to write about than this "American Dream".

I don't know about you, but I'm struggling.

I'm not homeless (yet). I'm not unemployed (yet). I still have some income and some assets to call my own (at the moment). However, these conditions are only temporary, for I am in debt, just like the majority of Americans I know and have heard about. I owe money.

So, now I live paycheck to paycheck, hoping that I make enough each week to pay my bills, and I recklessly spend on things I don't need.

Now, I'm trying to wake myself up, and I'm trying to move.

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