Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Political correctness vs. Newspeak

Several months ago, a "google alert" I set, using the phrase, "George Orwell", turned up this article about political correctness gone awry. The freedom to use language to differentiate between descriptions of people and blah sort of generic terms was something that George wrote a lot about. I took a course on the topic of Orwell and Orwellianisms in our society, and during that time period (many moons ago) I read many writings by old George, including his essays on the corruption of the English language. George, as I recall, criticized many sloppy habits of speech and writing, which he believed were contributing to the dumbing down of language itself. What would George say about Homeland Security? What would he say about the mainstream media coverage about current happenings in Iraq?

Anyway, I don't have much time to rant at the moment. I'll leave you with the article. Comment, if you'd like.

Free speech protects against extremism - Opinion -

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