Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Buying a condo in Downtown Columbus

My wife and I have looked at two projects, so far. The main idea is to continue to be a property owner, rather than a renter, with the added bonus of living closer to where I work. The expense of keeping a Jeep filled with gas and paying $4 a day for bus fare has been too much. Plus, my lifestyle does not allow me much time for keeping a house and yard maintained. I’m not much of a DIY’er, and that’s what it takes to own a home that isn’t brand new. The lure of urban life is starting to interest me more and more, as well. I like the idea of being close to the Main Library, CCAD, Columbus State, the Short North, the Arena District, German Village, Victorian Village, OSU campus, and all of the amenities that come with life in Downton Columbus. Maybe I wouldn’t end up wanting to live there for the rest of my life, but for now, it seems urban life is drawing me in, “like a tractor-beam of hotness”, as Ricky Bobby, the famous NASCAR driver once said about his former wife.

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