Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ryan Wants To Do Voiceovers

In one of Ryan's most recent posts, he stated... I'm sorry... restated... that he would like a job doing character voiceovers for video clips, movies, cartoons, and such.

Does anyone reading this have the ability to help me help Ryan? Does anyone reading this know someone else who may have the ability to help me help Ryan? If so, then please drop a comment below this post or email me or Ryan.

As some old buddies of mine used to like to say, we thank you for your support!!!

- docrivs (blog website email)


Ryan M. Powell said...

Uhhh, I like, uhhh, want to do voith-overzthe and thtuff.

Shit, dude. I just got it. One of the voices in my cartoon could be a caricature of the dorkwad singer from Creed. You gotta hear me do that wussy's voice.

Ryan M. Powell said...

Think you're clever, huh, Jay?

I didn't say I hate Creed. I just said the singer is a dorkwad wussy. They suck, too, but that doesn't mean I hate them.

Why don't you hate anyone's music?

